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Cheap Web Hosting
Alladin's Tips

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The pros and cons of cheap web hosting

It seems that almost everyone you know has their own website. If not for business purposes, your friends may have a simple personal website where they can communicate with friends and family, make new friends or just exchange ideas. So how do you go about finding a cheap web hosting site? It all depends on the purpose of your website. If you're trying to do business on the net, you need to consider such things as shopping carts, merchant accounts, computer languages and features with which to conduct your business.Do you need to hire someone to design your website in order to make sales? If so, you need to consider more than price. Cheap web hosting  may not fulfill your needs. On the other hand, if you just want to have a presence on the web, a place where your friends and admirers can stop in and see what you're up to, cheap web hosting may well be the answer.For personal page needs, many cheap web hosting sites provide a ready template where you can list your profile, pics and a 'friends' list. Some offer message boards and private IM conversations as well. So if your interest is mainly chat and web presence, this can be a good way to go.

On the other hand, if your purpose is commercial, cheap hosting may not fill the bill. When selling a product or service, there's nothing worse than setting up your site only to find out, too late, that your web host cannot fulfill your needs. Then, you've simply wasted your money. Yes, you'll have a website, but your customers will be turned off when they can't make a purchase because your host cannot provide the necessary software for you to do business and close the sale.

The bottom line is that if you're doing business on the net, you must consult someone technically competent to advise you on what you require to effect sales. If you need to pay a little more, it's well worth the difference. If you're not doing business, use the search engines to help you ferret out cheap web hosting sites.

Even if you're just looking for a site that makes you available for friends to look you up, check out that cheap web hosting site to see that they provide the services they promise. Go to Google and type, 'scams webhost name'. If the provider has not delivered to other customers, this search will turn up complaints to alert you to a less than desirable web host. Word does get around.

When you find a host that is recommended by people you know and doesn't return any results on a scam search, you've probably found a good cheap web hosting site. Enjoy!


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